Software Training Institute


Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad


100% Placement / Job Guarantee Training*

Trainer Name Mr. D. V. Ravi Varma (Certified Trainer)
Trainer Experience 15+ Years
Next Batch Date 29th July 2024 (10:00 AM IST) (Crash course)
26th August 2024 (10:00 AM IST) (Online)
25th July 2024 (04:00 PM IST) (Offline)
Training Modes Classroom Training & Online Training (Instructor Led)
Course Duration 3 Months Training + Internship
Call us at +91 81868 44555
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Why Learn Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad from Brolly Academy

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad

Course Contents

1. What is Marketing?
2. 4 P’s of Marketing.
3. Types of Online Business and their Objectives.
4. Definitions of Branding, Marketing, Advertising, Promotions and Sales.
5. Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. (STP)
6. Real World Case Study Example.

7. What is Digital Marketing?
8. Types of Digital Marketing
9. Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing.
10. Traditional Marketing Funnel.
11. Digital Marketing Funnel
12. What are Impressions?
13. Brand/Product Visibility
14. What is CTR & How is it calculated?
15. What is Traffic?
16. Types of Traffic based on source
17. Types of Traffic based on Audience
18. Difference between targeted traffic & non-targeted traffic
19. Difference between Leads & Sales
20. What is the bounce rate? How to decrease bounce rate?
21. Tips to increase visitor engagement
22. How to convert Traffic into Leads or Sales.

23. Different ways to earn money online from websites.
24. Different ways to earn money online using videos.
25. What is Google AdSense?
26. How to get your website approved for Google AdSense
27. Determining Ad positions and earning money from AdSense.
28. How to earn money by Making Videos and uploading them on YouTube Videos
29. YouTube AdSense and tricks to get your channel monetized
30. Other monetization methods on YouTube
31. Earning money from YouTube even before YouTube Monetization
32. Earning Money From Affiliate Marketing
33. Step by Step process on how to earn money from Affiliate Networks.
34. More ways to monetize video content online – Skill Share, Udemy & More.

35. What is a web Browser? & Types of browsers
36. Difference between Browsers and Search Engines.
37. What is a web page?
38. What is a website?
39. What do you need to create a website?
40. What are Domain names?
41. What are Domain extensions?
42. How to choose a domain name for your website?
43. How to buy a domain name?
44. What is a hosting space/server?
45. Different types of hostings
46. Which type of hosting to buy?
47. How to choose the best hosting provider?
48. Buying Hosting online.

49. What is CMS?
50. Why WordPress?
51. How to install wordpress on Localhost (Your personal computer)?
52. How to install wordpress on Server?
53. WordPress Dashboard Brief
54. What are Pages?
55. What are Posts?
56. Difference between pages and posts?
57. How to create a Page and a Post?
58. What are categories?
59. How to create categories?
60. How to create different types of menus in WordPress?
61. Different types of Widgets and their usage
62. What is a Theme and Its Importance
63. How to install a theme and activate it?
64. How to choose the Right Theme for your website?
65. What are Plugins? and their Importance
66. How to allow / block the crawling for your website?
67. Page Builder plugins for designing custom pages
68. How to design a home page?
69. How to create a blog?
70. How to create Contact forms and registration forms on your website?
71. How to create an E-commerce website for free?
72. How to integrate a Payment Gateway (adding payment links) to your website?
73. How to build a sales funnel on WordPress?
74. How to optimize images on your website?
75. How to Changing URL structure for SEO purpose.
76. How to optimize your website for loading fast?
77. How to handle your website security?
78. How to maintain backups for your website?
79. Adding Live chat options to your website
80. List of very important plugins that are must for a website 

81. What is SEO?
82. Different types of SEO
83. What are the advantages of SEO?
84. Disadvantages of SEO
85. What is SERP?
86. Understand Search Results
87. How does Google work in the backend?
88. What is Crawling?
89. What is Indexing?
90. Rank Math Algorithm and importance of relevance
91. What is Google Sandbox?
92. Does Google Sandbox Exist?
93. Google Algorithm updates.
94. Special note on Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird updates.
95. Note Latest Bret Update & Upcoming Web Vitals Update.
96. Step by Step process on how to do SEO for a new website?

97. What are Keywords?
98. Different types of Keywords for SEO purpose.
99. Differentiating keywords based on user intentions.
100. What is search volume? and its importance.
101. What are LSI keywords?
102. What are intent defining keywords
103. Difference between money making keywords and informational keywords
104. How to get new keyword Ideas using google
105. Tools to use for more keyword ideas.
106. How to find search volume and tools to use?
107. Keywords Research Process
108. How to find profitable keywords for your business?
109. How to analyse the difficulty of keywords?
110. How to analyse competitor keywords?
111. Deciding on keywords to target.
112. How to create strategies on how to outrank your competitors?

113. Generating content ideas
114. Forming a content framework/blueprint
115. Essential elements that your content should contain.
116. How to proofread or check the content for grammatical errors
117. What is Plagiarism?
118. How to check the plagiarism of the content.
119. Best practices in content writing

120. Fundamental ON Page Factors.
121. How to write SEO optimized titles for your web Page/Post.
122. How to write an attractive description to get more clicks.
123. Best practices in writing page/post URLs to rank better
124. How to optimize the different types of Headings
125. The core content optimization principles.
126. How to use LSI keywords, synonyms and intent words for better rankings
127. Structuring your web page and prioritizing content for SEO
128. How to optimize Images on the website for image rankings.
129. Importance of image file name, Image Alt tag and its size.
130. Optimizing content for visual search appearance
131. Importance of questioning words & FAQ’s on your page/post.
132. Importance of videos and optimizing videos on the page/post.
133. How to use SEO tools to cross check the on page factors implementation

134. Basics of Technical SEO
135. Website Structure & navigation optimization for SEO
136. Indexability of the website.
137. Tracking and fixing indexing errors.
138. Importance of Internal linking in SEO
139. Impact of Page Speed on SEO
140. Using GTMetrix & Lighthouse for speed reports.
141. Importance of UX Signals for SEO
142. Core web vitals and their importance
143. Robots.txt & Sitemap.xml creation.
144. HTTPS & Website Security
145. Tracking and fixing broken links
146. Custom 404 page
147. Importance of mobile responsiveness & mobile compatibility.
148. Touch friendly factors to boost UX and site rankings.
149. Other Technical Aspects to monitor

150. What are rich snippets?
151. Different types of Rich snippets.
152. How to optimize content for different types of featured snippets.
153. How to create site link snippet
154. How to create product, rating, review snippets
155. FAQ Snippets and their benefits
156. Importance structured data tables on web pages/posts.
157. Other types of snippets and their optimization techniques
158. Creating AMP pages and their benefits

159. What is OFF Page SEO?
160. Difference between ON Page and OFF Page
161. Why is OFF Page SEO important?
162. Backlinks and their importance
163. What are backlinks
164. Types of backlinks
165. Do’s & Don’ts in Link Building
166. Importance of Anchor text in link building
167. What is domain authority?
168. How to check a website’s domain authority?
169. How to increase a website’s domain authority?
170. What is spam score
171. How to check for your websites spam score
172. Getting High quality Backlinks
173. Email marketing for backlinks
174. Link Building strategies
175. Advanced techniques in Link building
176. Unnatural links and their disadvantages
177. Monitoring Link Profile of your website
178. Maintaining Link health to avoid penalties
179. Process to remove spam links using disavowing tool
180. Establishing Brand Signals to boot rankings
181. EAT & their value
182. Other Key OFF Page techniques

183. Basics of Local SEO – What, Why, How
184. The Map Pack – Understanding the local SEO results.
185. Keyword Research for Local SEO
186. Create a listing on Google My Business (GMB)
187. Key optimization factors in GMB
188. Product listing, Services listing in GMB
189. GMB website builder tool.
190. Importance of images optimization and posts in GMB
191. What are NAP Citations
192. Importance of citations in Local SEO
193. Key local SEO Ranking factors
194. Importance of Social Presence & check-in’s for local SEO
195. Importance of Online reputation Management for Local SEO.

196. What is Google Search Console?
197. Importance and uses of Google Search Console (GSC)
198. How to integrate your website with GSC?
199. Different types of website verification methods?
200. Setting Geo-target locations.
201. Analyzing keywords, their positions and CTR’s
202. Comparing results over time of different keywords
203. Filtering keyword analysis over countries, devices and more.
204. Check for indexability
205. How to request for page indexing.
206. How to check for snippets and errors.
207. Fixing crawl errors.
208. Monitor and fix mobile responsive errors.
209. Monitoring and fixing Web load speed issues.
210. Monitoring and fixing page not found errors.
211. How to use GSC for more keyword opportunities and ideas.

212. How to earn money from SEO – 3 Case Studies
213. New website SEO step by step process
214. SEO Optimization checklist
215. Creating SEO Performance reports
216. SEO Site Audits
217. SEO Interview Questions
218. Free SEO tools list
219. Paid SEO tool exposure
220. SEO Ebook & Material

221. Analyzing website traffic Sources/Channels
222. Analyzing Audience Demographics
223. Analyzing traffic Behavioral flow
224. Analyzing traffic location & Languages
225. Goals and Conversions
226. How to set up Goals?
227. Types of Goals
228. How to Integrate AdWords and Analytics accounts?
229. How to set up Filters?
230. How to generate reports in Google Analytics?

231. Social Media and Its Importance in Digital Marketing.
232. SMM Vs SMO.
233. Introduction to Facebook.
234. Facebook account setup.
235. Facebook for Personal Account and Its Elements.
236. Creating a post.
237. Facebook Page for businesses.
238. Different Types of Business pages offered by Facebook.
239. Profile Pic and Cover photo dimensions for pages.
240. Types of Posts and Statistics.
241. Hashtags and its advantages.
242. Facebook Page Designing.
243. Increasing Facebook followers organically
244. Page management options.
245. Facebook Events creation.
246. Facebook Groups & Types of Groups.
247. Importance and Advantages of running a community on Facebook.

248. Introduction to Facebook Advertisements.
249. Difference between Facebook Advertising and Google Search Advertisements.
250. Understanding Facebook’s ads account structure.
251. Creating Landing Pages/Funnels for Ads.
252. Important tips and tricks to create successful landing pages/funnels.
253. Understanding Campaign Structure and their objectives.
254. Running Different types of campaigns on Facebook
255. Different types of targeting on Facebook
256. Age, Gender, Location, Behavior, interest and other demographics based saved audience targeting
257. Other different types of targeting
258. Optimizing and Spending controls
259. Ad Copy Creation techniques & Types
260. Ad Creatives design & Types
261. Creating and Setting up Pixel
262. Custom Conversion tracking
263. Attributions
264. Audience Retargeting
265. Remarketing with Custom Audience
266. Remarketing with Lookalike Audience
267. Creating a campaign with look alike audience
268. Metrics & Optimizations.
269. How to handle negative comments on Facebook Ads
270. Scaling Facebook Ads – Scaling with Audience Expansion, Adset Scaling, CBO Scaling, Ad Account, Sniper Method
271. How to work as Freelancer running Facebook Ads for clients

279. What is Instagram Marketing
280. Why should you use Instagram for your business
281. How to increase followers on Instagram
282. Tips to get good Engagement on Instagram
283. Best Instagram Marketing Tactics
284. Instagram Hashtags
285. Instagram Stories & their importance
286. 60seconds on Instagram – Instagram Video Ads.
287. IGTV and its importance

288. Introduction to LinkedIn.
289. Benefits of LinkedIn Network.
290. LinkedIn Profile Creation.
291. Optimizing the profile.
292. Skills and Endorsements.
293. Recommendations on LinkedIn.
294. Adding new connections.
295. LinkedIn Posts.
296. LinkedIn Groups.
297. Finding Jobs on LinkedIn.
298. Creating a business page on LinkedIn.
299. LinkedIn business page customization.
300. LinkedIn Page Posts.
301. Retargeting Profile Views
302. Retargeting in LinkedIn Marketing
303. Leads Generation in LinkedIn
304. Types of Ads in LinkedIn
305. Different types of campaigns and objectives
306. Audience Targeting
307. Ad Formats & Placements
308. Budget & Scheduling
309. Conversion Tracking
310. LinkedIn Audience Network
311. Lookalike Audience
312. Custom Audience

322. YouTube Marketing Introduction.
323. Creating a Channel on YouTube.
324. Different types of Videos.
325. How to create different types of videos
326. Screen Recording Tools
327. Video Making Tools
328. Video Editing tools
329. How to Upload Videos to Youtube
330. YouTube SEO Ranking Factors
331. keyword Research for YouTube
332. YouTube Title, description, Tags optimisation
333. How to design attractive thumbnails
334. End Screens & cards
335. How to use Playlists.
336. YouTube SEO Tools for Ranking
337. Understanding Copyrights and Spam.
338. Making Money From YouTube
339. YouTube AdSense Monetization Tricks & Tips
340. YouTube Partner Program YPP approval
341. Revenue sources other than AdSense
342. YouTube Creator Studio Dashboard.
343. YouTube Analytics.
344. YouTube comment moderation.
345. YouTube channel Suspension, Policy Violation rules

346. Introduction to Affiliate Marketing.
347. How Affiliate Marketing Works?
348. Earning Money from Affiliate Marketing.
349. Affiliate Marketing Networks.
350. Affiliate Marketing Niches research
351. Amazon Affiliate Network – Physical Products – India & US
352. Impact Affiliate Network – Digital Products & Services
353. Admitad Affiliate Network
354. Other Popular Affiliate Networks – Click bank, JVZoo, Commission Junction
355. Affiliate Marketing execution & Tips
356. Affiliate Marketing Tools.
357. Best proven strategies to make money from Affiliate Marketing.
358. Live Case Studies.

359. What is Email Marketing?
360. Advantages of Email Marketing.
361. Types of Email Marketing
362. Difference between Bulk mailing and List building
363. Best Tools for Bulk mailing
364. Lead generation for List Building
365. Auto-Responders Mails.
366. Designing Newsletters.
367. Creating Mailing sequences
368. Mail Blast
369. Generating sales from Email Marketing – Product sales, Affiliate Sales.
370. Avoiding spam folders – Double Option.
371. Writing Subject lines for high CTR
372. Reports Metrics and Analysis.

381. What is a Brand?
382. Brand Story
383. Brand Focus
384. Brand Positioning
385. Differences between Personal brand & organizational brand?
386. Step by Step process of Building Personal Brands
387. Branding Theme – Color Strategies
388. Structuring your brand
389. Branding on Social Media
390. Measuring Brand success

391. Basics of Entrepreneurship
392. Finding & testing a Business Idea
393. Entrepreneurship Foundations
394. Creating a business Plan
395. Raising Funds for Startup
396. Types of Companies in INDIA
397. Payment Gateways India & Foreign

398. Best Freelancing sites.
399. Creating a profile in Freelancing websites.
400. Applying for works on freelancing websites.
401. Tips for getting projects on Freelancing websites.
402. Establishing network to get freelancing projects.
403. Getting Freelance Projects through Social Media
404. Writing professional email to clients

412. What is WhatsApp marketing
413. Advantages & Importance of WhatsApp Marketing
414. Why is WhatsApp marketing so effective
415. How to do WhatsApp marketing
416. Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Tools
417. Send Messages to Unsaved contacts
418. Writing Attractive Copies for WhatsApp marketing.
419. Best Practice in WhatsApp Marketing

420. Page builders in WordPress Elements Kit & Brizy Pro.
421. WordPress Image Optimisation – ShortPixel Pro
422. WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math Pro
423. WordPress Backups – WPVivid
424. Uber Suggest Pro – SEO
425. Ahref
426. SEM Rush
427. Woo Rank
428. Linguix & Grammarly
429. Alexa
430. Keyword
431. Frase – SEO Content Research and content generation
432. Labrika – SEO Audit Tool
433. Canva/Crello
434. Beacon && Designer – Ebook Creator
435. Publer, Social Bee, Content Studio – Social Media
436. VidIQ & Tube Buddy – Video Marketing
437. Mailchimp & Kirim Mail – Email Marketing
438. Keyword planner
439. Pabbly – Automations
440. Botstar – Messenger Marketing
441. Microsoft Clarity – User Behaviour
442. Loom/Clapboard/BCast – Screen Recorders
443. Vidnami/InVideo – Video making
444. WebSignals – Online Reputation Management

445. Notes/Material – Ebook
446. Interview Questions pdf
447. Sample Resumes
448. Paid Plugins and Plugins Access**
449. List of the websites to follow for updates
450. List of Websites for SEO Backlinks
451. Access to Digital Brolly’s Private Facebook Group
452. Job Openings updates

453. Google Ads Search Certification
454. Google Ads Display Certification
455. Google Ads Video certification
456. Google Ads Measurement certification
457. Hubspot Certifications
458. Brolly Course completion certificate
459. Brolly Internship Certificate**

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad

Key Points


We have multiple digital marketing trainers that help Brolly, Ravi Varma, Avinash. They are experts so you Get trained by professionals and skilled trainers with 15+ years of industrial experience.


There are 30+ Modules that will be trained over 3 Months, Contains basic + advanced modules, starting from marketing basics, digital marketing basics, website development, SEO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, Email Marketing, Online Money Making, Affiliate Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing & more.


Our Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad is not just focused on helping people get jobs but we also help Entrepreneurs & Self employed Individuals get equipped with digital marketing skills that help run business & Earn money from any part of the world.


Since Digital Brolly (a subsidiary of Brolly Academy) Started in 2017, we have trained over 5000 individuals in the field of digital marketing. In the last 12 Months we have provided digital marketing training to 500+ students out of which 450+ have got placed successfully.


Brolly Academy offers numerous case studies to individuals helping them not only just learn digital marketing skills but also help them understand the way to execute them.


Brolly Offers in-depth & Most advanced Digital Marketing Course that covers SEO for organic traffic and Google, Meta Ads for Paid traffic which are considered to me most important skill set for companies looking to hire digital marketers.


We offer Digital Marketing training with 100% Placement Guarantee Program. If you are someone who is in desperate need for a job then Brolly is the best solution. We teach digital marketing skills and offer internship through live projects and make sure you get job in these 3 months of the course.


If you are complete beginner and has no idea about digital marketing or even if you are not from marketing background you will still get a job with our digital marketing course as we start from basic topics that are important and make you the best digital marketer that the market needs.


Unlike other digital marketing training institutes in Hyderabad. We at Brolly offers the most real time and practical oriented training. We first teach theory, demonstrate the subject practically, then make you execute the learning in a practice or a live project.


We have a team 40+ members of which 15+ are digital marketers that work for our digital marketing agency. This team can help you as mentors. If you have any questions you shall be supported from any of our team mates and the guide you through the process of executing things practically.


1 year (365 Days) Support from the Date of Admission. Yes, after your training period is over, you can still get support till you get placement. Even after you are placed you can get guidance, suggestions from us till 1 year at no additional cost.


Digital Marketing Course offered by us at Brolly is undoubtedly the best Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad we offer 100% internships. Each student gets an opportunity to work as an Intern on Live Projects.


We also offer paid digital marketing internship program. For the students that perform well at our Mock interviews and if we are impressed by their skills then we offer paid internship and the student has opportunity to earn back the digital marketing course fee that they have paid.


We don't you to join the Course without getting a taste of it. We let you attend at-least 3 sessions for free of cost before you enroll for our digital marketing course in Hyderabad. We teach theory initially for 7 days, if needed you can attend all the 7 sessions for Free of cost and then plan to take the admission for the course.


Hand Written Digital Marketing Material will provided during the registration so the students can read the material and prepare for the interviews or revise the subject everyday with the help of the material


The infrastructure that we provide at Brolly is completely different and unique when compared to other digital marketing institutes. We have centralized AC rooms with LAB/office space, Conference hall, Cafeteria that students can make use for their comfortable learning.

Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad

What is Digital Marketing ?


All online marketing activities are called Digital marketing, often known as online marketing or internet marketing.

devops training

Although it has existed for a lot longer. Digital marketing gained popularity in INDIA after jio entered in to market offering Free Internet


Your business and brand awareness depends on digital marketing. You can increase your product sales using digital marketing.


It is more cost-effective and the analytics help you measures your success on a daily basis.


Digital marketing is any type of advertising that uses electronic devices and internet for their marketing communication


Digital Marketing is not just a single marketing technique its a group of online marketing activities like SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, Email Marketing together makes Digital Markting


Digital Marketing Course at Brolly Academy

The internet has been around for decades, but only recently years Digital Marketing has become the dominant force in advertising.

Digital Marketing is a necessity for any business that wants to compete in today’s marketplace.

A digital marketer promotes products or services online through platforms like Social media and websites, aiming to increase brand visibility and drive customer engagement.

We at Brolly Academy offers the Best Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad helping students make a beautiful career out of Digital Marketing.

Not Just Students we also help marketers and entrepreneurs learn digital marketing and excel in their business.

brolly academy image

We are an established  Digital Marketing Institute in Hyderabad, offering Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad with Internship & PLacement Guarentee. Our Course Covers all major topics like:

It is a complete Digital Marketing Training which includes all the concepts, tools and techniques to learn Digital Marketing. The course is designed for beginners who want to learn the basics of Digital Marketing.riod.
The course covers the basic concepts, tools and techniques that will help you understand the digital marketing world.
We offer three different modes of training, making it more convenient for students.
Our Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad is available online, offline and via video courses. We have the best trainers who specialize in digital marketing with 10+ years of experience to guide and train you effectively.
We have trained over 10k+ students in Digital Marketing in the last 5 years and have been helping them achieve success in their businesses.

Our training covers an extensive range of digital marketing skills and tools. You get trained on Google ads, ON & OFF-Page SEO, Google Analytics, social media marketing, and optimization.

You get to experiment and explore paid marketing tools with free access throughout the training period.


Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad

Classroom Training

Online Training

Video Course

Why choose

Digital Marketing Course from Brolly Academy?

Updated Course Curriculum

The Digital Marketing Course curriculum is updated regularly to ensure you are always learning the latest and greatest in Digital Marketing. Our goal is to provide you with a complete understanding of the Digital Marketing and help you to build a solid foundation for your career.

Live project execution

We’re here to show you how to learn practical skills and gain technical knowledge that will enable you to become an expert in the field. We assign students with live Digital Marketing campaigns and assignments under the supervision of our skilled trainers

Experienced tutors

We have the best Digital Marketing trainers in the industry who are dedicated to helping you grow your business by providing you with the best training available. We’re here to teach you how to use digital marketing effectively and how to make it work for your business.

Convenient class schedules

We offer a number of different classes at various times throughout the week and are open to scheduling these classes around your schedule. All of our classes are scheduled at convenient times and are accessible from anywhere in the world.

Post-training assistance

We offer job placement assistance in digital marketing for people looking to make a career in digital marketing. Our team of professionals is dedicated to helping you land that perfect job in the Digital Marketing industry.

LMS access

We offer you free access to our online Learning Management System (LMS) upon enrollment. This will include access to our exclusive video recordings, live training courses, assignments and case studies.

Market Trend in Digital Marketing Course


The industry with the fastest growth in Digital Marketing. It is expanding at a pace of 25% to 30% yearly


In 2020, the market for digital advertising and marketing was valued at $350 billion, and by 2026, it is expected to grow to $786.2 billion.


The market for Digital Marketing and advertising in the United States is presently valued at $460 billion


Just in this last year, 63% of businesses boosted their budgets for Digital Marketing.


Business budget spending on Digital Marketing increased by 14% between 2020 and 2021.


Digital marketing course is accessible globally, allowing individuals from different parts of the world to learn and acquire skills. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for those seeking to enter the global job market or start online businesses


According to 49% of businesses, organic search has the best marketing return on investment.


Nearly half of the customers (45%) buy online and pick up in-store.


The amount of money spent on digital marketing platforms is 72% of the total marketing budget.


Digital marketing makes up 55% of all marketing. In 2021, $436 billion was spent overall on digital advertising and $196 billion on offline advertising.

Who should learn Digital Marketing Course

Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad



D.V. Ravi Varma

15+ Years Experience

About the tutor:

He is a self-made entrepreneur and digital marketer, having worked with significant startups to plan and strategize business models and marketing strategies. 

He is renowned for mentoring and guiding students, helping them excel in their passion fields from a job perspective. We firmly believe and testify that he is one of the finest digital marketing trainers in Hyderabad.

He’s one of the Best digital marketing trainers in Hyderabad right now.

Our Director Honored with Prestigious Business Icon Award

We are very proud to announce that our director and founder, Ravi Varma, has won the prestigious Business Icon Award from Suman Art Theatres. This award recognizes Ravi Varma’s outstanding achievements and leadership in business.

Ravi Varma has always been a visionary leader. His hard work and dedication have been crucial to the success of Digital Brolly. His innovative ideas and commitment to excellence have helped us grow and succeed. This award shows his strong passion and hard work.

Receiving the Business Icon Award from Suman Art Theatres is a great honor. We are thrilled to see Ravi Varma’s efforts recognized. This award not only celebrates his personal achievements but also reflects the hard work of our entire team at Digital Brolly.

We warmly congratulate Ravi Varma on this well-deserved recognition. We are excited about the future and look forward to achieving even more under his inspiring leadership.

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Ravi Varma Sir
Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Business Icon Award Photos-1

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad


Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Placements- Maheshwari


Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- AI Labs logo
Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Placements- Sruthi


Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- VZEN Digital Agency


Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Hyderabad Smiles logo

J. Mounisha

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- SMBXL logo
Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Placements- Srinivas

B Srinivas

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Placements- Alekhya


Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Tech Mahindra logo
Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Placements- Anil


Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- TEE STORY.IN
Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Placements- Kannan


Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Swiggy logo-1
Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad- Placements- Monika

V Monika Gupta

Digital Marketing Course In Hyderabad



I am really happy with the trainer because the training session went beyond my expectations. Brolly Academy’s Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad helped me acquire all the skills I required. Trainer has in-depth knowledge and excellent communication skills. A good experience in Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad learning with Brolly Academy.

Rohit Patel

After thorough research, I chose Brolly Academy for Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad, and I couldn't be happier with my decision. The trainers are adept in the subject and excellent communicators, making complex concepts easy to understand. The practical approach to learning and regular assessments kept me engaged throughout the course.

Sneha Reddy

I had the pleasure of enrolling in Brolly Academy's Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad, and it turned out to be a game-changer for my career. The trainers were patient and supportive, always willing to go the extra mile to ensure our understanding. The interactive sessions and live Moreover, the career assistance provided by the academy, including interview preparation and job placements, helped me secure a fantastic job opportunity in a reputed digital marketing agency.

Mahesh Reddy

The best digital marketing coaching center in Hyderabad is brolly academy. Because of the COVID situation, I enrolled in a Digital Marketing online course with the help of Ravi Sir and am now working as a Senior SEO Analyst in the Digital Marketing profession. The strategy he taught and the way he explained it with real-world examples is fantastic. I would suggest you if you are looking for SEO and digital courses in Hyderabad or online. Come with nothing and depart with all knowledge


Best online course for Digital Marketing for beginners and experienced professionals. The syllabus and the curriculum provided me with all I required and with a work-like experience. They covered all concepts of Digital Marketing from basic to advanced and I really liked the way we were trained with all concepts to real-world situations.


As someone transitioning from a traditional marketing background to digital marketing, I was unsure about how to make the switch smoothly. Fortunately, I found Brolly Academy's digital marketing training in Hyderabad, and it exceeded my expectations. The trainers' expertise and hands-on training gave me the confidence to adapt to the digital landscape seamlessly.


I had a fantastic learning experience with Brolly Academy's digital marketing Course in Hyderabad. The trainers were approachable, and their ability to simplify complex concepts made learning enjoyable. The academy's friendly and motivating environment fostered a strong sense of community among students. I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I gained from Brolly Academy, which have been invaluable in my professional journey.


I was from a non-technical background and was scared to join this course. After joining their free demo class online training program, I can say now I am equipped with all the latest technologies in Digital Marketing. The hands-on training sessions helped us to understand the concepts thoroughly. Thanks to Brolly Academy. Their placement program conducted by the dedicated team was very impressive.


Brolly Academy's digital marketing Course in Hyderabad has been the best investment I've made in my professional development. The curriculum was comprehensive and up-to-date, covering everything from search engine optimization to data analytics. The trainers were highly approachable and always willing to provide guidance even beyond the classroom. The academy's focus on practical assignments and real-world simulations gave me the hands-on If you're looking for a top-notch digital marketing training institute in Hyderabad, Brolly Academy is the way to go.

Rajesh Verma

I enrolled in Brolly Academy's digital marketing training in Hyderabad with high expectations, and I can confidently say that they delivered beyond my imagination. The trainers demonstrated extensive knowledge in the field and shared practical tips and tricks to excel in digital marketing campaigns. The hands-on experience with various tools and platforms gave me a competitive edge in the job market. Brolly Academy's commitment to excellence and personalized attention to each student sets them apart. I'm thrilled with the skills I acquired and highly recommend this training to all aspiring digital marketers.

Digital Marketing Course


We provide a Digital Marketing course certificate from Brolly Academy.

Our Digital Marketing Course is a full package, and it is the best for those who want to earn a good salary and also get a good job.

Our Digital Marketing course are designed to teach students how to become experts in digital marketing, using the latest tools and techniques including digital marketing training for corporates.

Students who complete our Digital Marketing training receive a certificate and the skills to begin a career in digital marketing.

You can even complete an exclusive internship with us and get a bonus Digital marketing internship certificate that can greatly augment your career perspectives.

We also provide Digital Marketing training and placement in Hyderabad services for our students with a main purpose of providing the best Digital Marketing Course with all-inclusive career-beneficial skills.

Skills Developed Post Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad

Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing

A digital marketer helps in finding the most recent technological developments and web analytics solutions for analyzing website traffic. It also improves the effectiveness of the businesses social media and email marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing Associate
Digital Marketing Team Lead
Content Strategist
SEO and SEM Specialist
Email Marketing Specialist
Creative Designer
Project Manager
Marketing Analyst
Conversion Rate Optimizer (CRO)
Conversion Rate Manager (CRM)
Social Media Expert

Pre-requisites of our

Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad

There are no given prerequisites for learning Digital marketing, however 

Frequently Asked Questions - Digital Marketing Course


Definitely, the Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad offered by Brolly Academy is highly Advanced and extensive, covering all the 360 degree digital marketing skills while emphasizing on both theory and practical learning with live projects to help you find a profitable career as best digital marketer in Hyderabad.
Digital Marketing is extremely easy to learn with no prior knowledge or experience. Anyone with basic English skills can learn digital marketing very easily. Our Digital Marketing Course in Kukatpally offered at Brolly Academy makes learning Digital Marketing easy & fun.
Our Digital Marketing Course syllabus includes all the major Digital Marketing training topics like SEO, SMM, SEM, SMO, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and more. The concepts are taught by expert marketers with live demonstrations.
The Digital Marketing salaries changes from location to location, Salaries in Hyderabad differs from salaries in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi. 
If you complete digital marketing course in Hyderabad from Brolly Academy, if you are a Fresh graduates you can earn a package between Rs 3 LPA to 6 LPA while experienced professionals can expect a 40% to 100% hike depending on the years of experience in the field.
You can learn Digital Marketing from the comfort of your home by tuning into our Digital Marketing online classes course Online or by purchasing Digital Marketing video course training.
We work hard to prepare you well for jobs and internships, however, whether or not you get a job depends on your performance in the real-time interview.
Our Digital Marketing Course is for 2-3 months program after which we will prepare you for placements and internships.
Yes, of course. You can attend our Digital Marketing course demo before enrolling in Brolly Academy.
The Digital Marketing Course fees are super affordable at Brolly Academy with an option of paying in installments.
You can always contact us and we will provide you with details of the next consecutive session or you can also get a one-on-one training session based on the trainer’s availability.
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