Full Stack developer course in Hyderabad
100% Placement Guarantee*
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Table of Contents
ToggleFull Stack developer course In Hyderabad
Batch Details
Trainer Name | Mr. Rehan (Certified Trainer) |
Trainer Experience | 15+ Years |
Next Batch Date | 24th- March -2025 (6:00 PM IST) |
Training Modes: | Online and offline Training (Instructor Led) |
Course Duration: | 4 Months |
Call us at: | +91 8186844555 |
Email Us at: | brollyacademy@gmail.com |
Demo Class Details: | ENROLL FOR FREE DEMO CLASS |
Java Full Stack Training in Hyderabad
- Expert Trainer with 15+ Years of Dev Experience
- 100% Placement Guarantee*
- Life time access for live recording videos
- More focus on practical implementation
- 25 students got placed in last 5 month
- 90+ hours of intensive Live training
- Mock Test, Mock Interviews
- Cover modules HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Java, JDBC, Python,TS
- 4 months advanced full stack training Programme
- interview guidence + Aptitude, Soft Skills, Resume Building
Full Stack Developer Course Curriculum
Course Content
- Basics of HTML and document structure
- Doctypes
- Basic Tags
- html
- head
- body
- title
- meta
- link
- Script
- Paragraphs
- Line breaks
- Blank space
- Pre Formatting text
- Headings
- Comments
- Element Types
- Block Elements
- Inline Elements
- Div
- Span
- Header
- Footer
- Section
- Article
- Nav
- Aside
- Un Ordered Lists
- ordered Lists
- Nested Lists
- Definition Lists
- What are links
- Text links
- Image links
- Opening link in new window / new tab
- Opening link in same same tab
- Links to content of same page
- Linking to an email
- Linking to a file
- Introduction to images
- Adding an image to web page
- Image alt text
- Image labels
- Displaying data in table
- Table Header
- Table
- Body
- Table
- Thead
- Tbody
- Tr
- Td
- Th
- Row span
- Col span
- Introduction
- Text Box
- text
- password
- number
- date
- range
- url
- color
- Radio Button
- Check Boxes
- Select Box
- Multiple Select Box
- Text Area
- Submit Button
- Reset Button
- Web Storage
- Local storage
- Session storage
- introduction
- Audio
- Video
- Accessing audio/video from external source file in webpage
- Introduction to SVG and Canvas
- Creating line , circle , rectangle and polygon etc using svg / canvas
- Version History
- CSS syntax
- Styling using external style sheets
- Styling using internal style sheets
- Inline Styles
- Multiple stylesheets
- Specificity
- Tag selector
- ID Selectors
- Class Selectors
- Grouping Selectors
- Universal Selector
- Descendant / Child Selectors
- Attribute Selectors
- CSS – Pseudo Classes
- color
- background-color
- text-decoration
- text-align
- vertical-align
- text-indent
- text-transform
- white space
- letter-spacing
- word-spacing
- line-height
- font-family
- font-size
- font-style
- font-variant
- Font-weight
- Background Image
- Background color
- Background Position
- background repeat
- order width
- Border Type
- Border Color
- Border radius
- Margin
- Padding
- Width
- Height
- Borders
- Outline
- Static
- Fixed
- relative
- Absolute
- Z-index
- nline
- Inline Block
- block
- Table
- Flex
- Grid
- Visible
- Hidden
- Media Queries
- Breaking Points
- Targeting Web Page
- Targeting PDF
- 2D Transforms
- 3D Transforms
- Transitions
- Animations
- CSS Short Hand
- Box Shadow
- Gradient
- Flex Box
- HTML Graphics
What is JavaScript?
- Basics of JavaScript
- Role in web development
- JavaScript Syntax
- Variables and data types
- Operators
- Functions
- Function declaration and expressions
- Control Flow
- if-else statements
- Loops (for, while)
- Objects
- Creating and using objects
- DOM Manipulation
- Accessing and modifying HTML elements
- Events
- Event handling basics
- Error Handling
- try-catch blocks
- JavaScript in Full Stack Development
- Connecting JavaScript with HTML and CSS
- Intro to Node.js
- Specificity
- Tag selector
- ID Selectors
- Class Selectors
- Grouping Selectors
- Universal Selector
- Descendant / Child Selectors
- Attribute Selectors
- CSS – Pseudo Classes
- Introduction to Comments
- Single-line Comments (
) - Multi-line Comments (
/* */
) - Importance of Comments in Code
- What are Variables?
- Declaring
- Variables (var, let, const)
- Variable Naming Rules
- Types of Variables (String, Number, Boolean, etc.)
- Introduction to Operators
- *Arithmetic Operators (+, -, , /, %)
- Assignment Operators (=, +=, -=)
- Comparison Operators (==, ===, !=, !==)
- Logical Operators (&&, ||, !)
- Increment and Decrement Operators (++ and —
- Number
- Boolean
- String
- Function
- Array
- Object
- if
- if else
- Switch
- For
- For in
- While
- Do While
- For of
- Function declaration
- Function calling
- Function Arguments, Parameters
- Functional Scope
- Returning from a function
- closures
- Functions as Arguments
- Recursive functions
- Introduction
- String Methods
- Split()
- Trim()
- Charat()
- Length.
- Substr()
- concat()
- toLowerCase()
- toUpperCase()
- Type casting Strings
- Introduction
- Array Methods
- Map
- Filter
- Find
- Find Index
- Foreach
- index of
- includes
- join
- push
- pop
- reduce
- slice
- reverse
- & More
- Iterating an Array
- Sorting an Array
- Date Formats
- Date get methods
- Date set methods
- Math
- Console
- Introduction
- Creating objects
- Object properties
- Object methods
- Prototype of an object
- cloning an object
- Joining Multiple objects
- Document Object
- Accessing an element
- Create Element
- Setting an attribute
- Append Childs
- Removing an element
- Creating Text notes
- Adding or removing Events
- Introduction
- Functional scope
- Block scope
- Introduction
- Examples of events
- click
- mousemove
- doubleclick
- blur
- focus
- load
- hover
- & More.
- Event Handlers
Event bubbling
Event propagation
preventing events from default behaviour
- Introduction to let and const
- let for block-scoped variables (reassignable)
- const for block-scoped constants (non-reassignable)
- Differences between var, let, and const
- Best practices for using let and const
Tag selector
ID Selectors
Class SelectorsGrouping Selectors
Universal Selector
Descendant / Child Selectors
Attribute SelectorsCSS – Pseudo Classes
- Introduction to JavaScript Classes
- Class declaration and instantiation
- Constructors and methods
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation and polymorphism
- Introduction to Maps
- Creating a Map
- Adding, retrieving, and deleting key-value pairs
- Iterating through Maps
- Map vs Object
- Introduction to Sets
- Creating a Set
- Adding and deleting elements
- Checking element existence
- Iterating through Sets
- Introduction to JavaScript Modules
- Exporting and importing modules
- Default and named exports
- Module bundlers (like Webpack)
- Benefits of modular programming
- Introduction to rest (
) and spread operators - Using spread with arrays and objects
- Rest parameters in functions
- Combining arrays and objects
- Practical use cases
- For
- For in
- While
- Do While
- For of
- Introduction to Object Destructuring
- Extracting values from objects
- Nested object destructuring
- Using default values
- Practical examples
- Introduction to Default Parameters
- Setting default values in functions
- Handling undefined arguments
- Combining with rest parameters
- Real-world use case
- Introduction to Promises
- Promise states: Pending, Fulfilled, Rejected
- Creating and using Promises
- then() and catch() methods
- Chaining Promises
- Introduction to Async and Await
- Writing asynchronous code
- Error handling with try…catch
- Combining with Promises
- Real-world applications
- Introduction to React JS
- Setting up the development environment
- Installing React using npm or yarn
- Creating a new React app with Create React App (CRA)
- Running the development server
- Understanding React and its core concepts
- Virtual DOM vs Real DOM
- Components in React
- Rendering elements
- Importance of single-page applications (SPAs)
- Introduction to JSX (JavaScript XML)
- Writing HTML-like syntax in JavaScript
- Embedding expressions in JSX
- JSX attributes and styling
- JSX vs plain JavaScript
- Understanding components in React
- Class components: structure and usage
- Functional components: modern approach
- Differences between class and functional components
- When to use each type
- What are props (properties)?
- Passing data between components
- Accessing props in class and functional components
- Default props
- Props vs state
- Introduction to component state
- Setting and updating state
- Using state in class components (this.state)
- Using React hooks (useState) in functional components
- State vs props
- For
- For in
- While
- Do While
- For of
- For
- For in
- While
- Do While
- For of
- For
- For in
- While
- Do While
- For of
- For
- For in
- While
- Do While
- For of
- For
- For in
- While
- Do While
- For of
- Creating Routes and Router Layouts
- Navigation from JSX and React components
- Child Routes
- Reading Router Params
- Routing Context
- Authentication for routes.
- Creating Forms using vanilla react
- Creating forms using formic library.
- Store
- Actions
- Dispatchers
- Reducers
- Immutability
- State management using redux library.
- Store
- Actions
- Dispatchers
- Reducers
- Immutability
- State management using the redux library.
- Understanding testing
- Introduction to Jest
- Test Running using Jest
- Mocking functions and modules
- Testing Components
- Snapshot Testing
- Async / Await.
- Introduction to Java
- Features of java
- Date Type
- Statements
- Operators
- Control Statements
- Java Programming basics
- Type casting
- Java Arrays
- Command – line arguments
- Packages
- Date Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Class And Object
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Overloading And Overriding
- Super And Super ()
- Exception handling fundamentals
- Exception types
- try catch finally blocks
- Throw, throws Keywords
- Creating custom exceptions
- The Java. lang package overview
- The Object classes
- Wrapper classes
- System class
- Math class
- String & String Buffer
- Streams overview
- Byte streams vs. Character streams
- Input/Output streams
- Reading/Writing from/to files – the File Streams
- Collections overview
- Collection
- List, Set, Map
- List Implementations
- Set Implementations
- Map Implementations
- Date, Calendar
- JDBC overview
- SQL- Structured Query Language
- JDBC Programming Concepts
- Query Execution
- Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets
- Working with Statements
- Row Sets
- Batch Updates
- Calling stored procedures and functions
- ResultSetMetaData
- Web Application Life Cycle
- Web Modules
- Configuring Web Applications
- Accessing Databases from Web Applications
- Jar, war and ear
- Webserver & Application Server
- Javascript
- Servlets overview
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Sharing Information
- Initializing a Servlet
- Writing Service Methods
- Filtering Requests and Responses
- Invoking Other Web Resources
- Accessing the Web Context
- Session tracking and management
- JSP overview
- The Life Cycle of a JSP Page
- JSP Action tags
- Directives Include§ page
- JSP implicit objects
- Scope in JSP
Spring Framework
- Spring Introduction
- Spring modules
- Dependency injection
- Spring containers (Bean Factory, Application Context)
- Basic bean wiring
- Bean life cycle
- Spring Data Access
- Using jdbc with spring
- Working with Datasources,
- Working with jdbctemplates,
- DML operations on data
- Spring web-MVC
- Controllers
- Types of controllers
- Mapping requests to controllers
- Handler Mappings
- Processing commands, form submissions
- Views
- Resolving text messages (property files)
- View resolvers
- Validations
- Working with throw away controllers
ContextLoaderListener for loading configuration files
- Join points, points, advice, aspects
- AspectJ syntax for AOP
- AOP configuration elements
- The meaning of the transaction
- Transaction attributes
- Spring transaction management support
- Choosing a transaction Manager
- Declarative transaction management
- Introduction to ORM
- Integration of Hibernate with Spring with examples
- Spring Boot Introduction
- Features
- Modules
- Application Properties
STS/IntelliJ Setup
- Overview of O/R mapping
- Overview of Hibernate architecture
- Setting up and running your first Hibernate application.
- Configuring Hibernate
- Hibernate configuration property file
- Hibernate configuration XML file
- Database dialects
- Obtaining a Session Factory
- User-provided JDBC connection
- Using a code generation tool
- Using schema generation tool
- Using a mapping file generation tool
- O/R Mapping
- Overview of the mapping file
- The id element and primary key
- Id generation methods
- Hibernate data types
- Mapping for collections and associations
- Mapping for rich associations
- Manipulating and Querying Persistent Data
- Persistent classes
- Loading an object
- Find methods
- The Query interface
- Performing CRUD operations
- Criteria Queries
- Using native SQL query
- Using lifecycle and interceptor callbacks
- Transactions and concurrency
- The Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
- The select clause
- The from clause
- The where clause
- Expressions
- Aggregate functions
- Subqueries
- Introduction
- Overview of Web Services
- Types Of different distributed services
- What is SOAP
- What is REST
- Spring Boot Rest
- Introduction
- REST Example
Full Stack Developer Course In Hyderabad
Key Points
Begin your path to career success by training to become a Full Stack Developer at Brolly Academy

- Become a Full Stack Developer : Our full stack developer training program is designed to meet the needs of both beginners and experienced professionals, helping you build valuable skills for career growth.
- Free Demo Classes: : Try three free demo sessions to experience our teaching style and curriculum..
- Certified Trainers: : Learn from certified experts with over 15+ years of industry experience, offering high-quality education and mentorship for a truly valuable learning experience.
- Well-Prepared Curriculum: : Our course covers everything you need to know, from front-end to back-end, ensuring you're job-ready
- Rising Demand: Full stack developers are in high demand, opening up promising career opportunities.
- Lifetime Student Access: Never lose access to our huge collection of study materials as well as our handpicked set of interview questions, when in needed.
- Hands-on Learning : Our real-world projects helps you strengthen your practical skills and further develop your theoretical understanding.
- From Basic to Advance : All our concepts in full-stack development, right from the basics level helps to build a great strength in the professional arena.
- Interview Preparation : You gain all the best practices which can crack the interview by experienced mentors and gain maximum self-confidence and get a high-graded job.
- Real-time projects:Industry-related Real-Time Projects for developing skills and thus enhancing you as a employability ready candidate.
- Develops Soft Skills : With our soft skills training Develop communication and interpersonal sets to perform well at your workplaces.
- Unlimited access to LMS :Enjoy our lifetime Access to a portal for students to have a resource, networking, and ongoing support.
- Affordable Fee structure:Brolly Academy’s Full Stack Developer program offers a budget-friendly fee structure, making high-quality training accessible without financial stress.
- Unique Teaching Style: : We focus on interactive, hands-on learning for better understanding..
Start your journey to becoming a full-stack developer with Brolly Academy’s online classes for the full-stack developer course in Hyderabad or join our offline full stack developer course in Hyderabad. This program equips you with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the tech industry. We offer Front End Developer course . Don’t miss your chance to begin a rewarding new career—enroll today!
Overview of Full stack developer training in Hyderabad in Brolly Academy
- At Brolly Academy, we offer an innovative full stack development course designed by experienced industry professionals.
- Our goal is to provide outstanding training that helps you develop the skills needed for a successful career in technology.
- Join us and see why we are recognized as the best full stack developer course in Hyderabad!
What You will have by the end of Full stack developer training:
- You get Practical Exposure to our advanced lab facilities and practice with real-time case studies and projects.
- You get User Authentication & Access Control to Master how to secure and control user access for your back-end applications.
- You will learn Cloud Development by learning Docker and Kubernetes to develop web applications for cloud servers.
- Our latest curriculum contains front-end and back-end development, like HTML, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap,
- Programming languages Core Java, Advanced Java, frameworks, and many more.
Why Brolly Academy?
- Our trainers have long years of experience that support every step to build up the confidence and competence in learners.
- We offer 100% placement assistance support including practice sessions of job interviews, mock interviews, and career guidance even after you complete your course.
- We have Online certification programs that are quite adaptive to the schedule of any student or working professional.
Take a free demo class before you join, and ensure it’s just for you!
Join Brolly Academy for the Full Stack Development course in Hyderabad today. Start your fulfilling career today and take the first steps towards becoming a high-quality full stack developer.
Full stack Developer Road Map

What is Full Stack Development?
An application developer who can both build the front-end and back-end of web applications. In other words, everything, from the user interface to the server-side logic behind the scenes, is handled.

Key Responsibilities
- Front-End Development : Working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make up the layout and design of a website or application. Frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js are mainly used.
- Back-End Development : This includes server-side programming, database management, and application logic. The commonly used languages are Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, and PHP. Some of the databases that are commonly used are MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. API Integration: Full stack developers work on APIs or Application Programming Interfaces to link the front end with the back end.
- Version Control : Version control is a tool using which changes can be tracked and shared with other developers.
- Deployment and Maintenance : Launching applications into cloud computing platforms and running them. Skills
- Front-end technologies, namely HTML, CSS, JavaScript Back-end languages and frameworks Database management and data structures Using version control systems such as Git. DevOps practices for deployment
- Career Options Full stack developers are very in demand as they can handle the development aspects. They can be valuable to both huge companies and startups. They can work as freelancers or be part of the development teams. They can also lead the project work, acting as technical architects.
Where is Full Stack developer used?
- Web Development Companies
- Building and maintaining websites and web applications for clients.
- Startups
- Developing minimum viable products as fast as possible that demand both front-end and back-end solutions.
- E-Commerce
- Creating e-commerce sites, interfaces, and payment processing systems
- Mobile App Development
- Creating the backend systems for mobile applications and sometimes web interfaces
- Content Management Systems
- Developing and configuring CMSs, which are the system that allows nontechnical users to manage content
- Social Media Platforms
- Creating and maintaining functionalities that support user interaction, content sharing, and data management
- Financial Services
- Online Banking and Trading- Safe Application Development E-development of health care management, telemedicine, tracking of health data, and LMS for online courses supporting student engagement.
- Government and Non-Profit Organizations
- Safe application development to improve public services and engage with the public.
- Freelancing
- Service-based project execution for any client from small businesses to large corporations.
- Consulting Firms
- Working on diverse projects for other clients, providing expertise on multiple domains.
Course Outline for Full Stack Developer training at Brolly Academy, Hyderabad
At Brolly Academy, we offer a full stack developer course in Hyderabad with placement support, making it easier for you to start your career. Our Python full stack developer course in Hyderabad is perfect for those who want to focus on backend development. We also have the best Java full stack developer course in Hyderabad for Java enthusiasts. You can choose our offline full-stack developer course in Hyderabad for a hands-on experience. Join our full-stack developer course institute in Hyderabad and take your first step toward a successful tech career!
Highlights of Full stack developer course in Hyderabad
- Web Page Structure: Learn to create well-structured web pages using semantic HTML elements, enhancing accessibility and SEO.
- Advanced Features: Master HTML5 capabilities, including multimedia support and form validations, to build dynamic content.
- CSS & CSS3
- Styling Fundamentals: Understand the principles of CSS, including selectors, specificity, and the box model for effective styling.
- Responsive Design: Use techniques like Flexbox and Grid to ensure your designs are responsive, providing an optimal experience on all devices.
- JavaScript & Advanced JavaScript
- Scripting Basics: Get introduced to JavaScript fundamentals, including data types, operators, and functions, for client-side scripting.
- ES6+ Features: Delve into advanced concepts such as promises, async/await, and modules, enhancing your ability to create interactive web applications.
- React JS & Redux
- Component-Based UIs: Learn to build reusable UI components with React, focusing on lifecycle methods and state management.
- State Management with Redux: Implement Redux for managing complex state in large applications, improving maintainability and performance.
- Node.js & Express
- Server-Side JavaScript: Understand how Node.js allows JavaScript to run on the server, enabling full-stack JavaScript development.
- Express.js Framework: Learn to build RESTful APIs and web servers with Express, managing routes and middleware effectively.
- Django Framework
- Enterprise-Level Development: Explore J2EE technologies for building enterprise applications, focusing on servlets and JSP for dynamic content.
- Database Connectivity: Learn JDBC for connecting Java applications to databases, enabling data manipulation and retrieval.
- Frameworks (Hibernate, Spring, Spring Boot)
- Object-Relational Mapping: Use Hibernate to simplify database interactions through object-relational mapping.
- Rapid Development: Leverage Spring Boot for quick setup and configuration of new projects, reducing boilerplate code.
- Core & Advanced Python
- Python Basics: Start with core Python concepts, including syntax, data types, and control structures for scripting.
- Web Development Libraries: Explore advanced libraries and frameworks like Flask and Django for building web applications.
- JQuery
- DOM Manipulation: Learn to manipulate HTML elements and handle events easily with jQuery, enhancing user interactions.
- AJAX and Animations: Use jQuery to make asynchronous calls and create engaging animations to improve user experience.
- Capstone Projects
- Real-World Applications: Apply your full-stack skills in projects like e-commerce platforms or social media apps, integrating both front-end and back-end.
- Portfolio Development: Build a professional portfolio showcasing your projects, demonstrating your capabilities to potential employers.
- Placement Assistance
- Career Guidance: Receive support in resume building, interview preparation, and access to job openings in the tech industry.
- Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry professionals and alumni to expand your job search network and increase job placement chances.
We keep in mind that technology is constantly evolving; hence, we update our curriculum regularly with the latest technologies and best practices. Brolly Academy’s mission is to prepare the next generation of developers to be equipped with all the tools and knowledge needed for them to be successful. Join us and let’s start your career in full-stack rewarding, where you’ll be learning from the best to become one of the most sought-after talents in the job market.
Modes of Full stack developer training in Hyderabad at Brolly Academy
Modes of training
At Brolly Academy, we are dedicated to providing exceptional training for a successful career in full-stack development. Our program in Hyderabad focuses on practical skills and industry insights, with dedicated placement assistance to help secure jobs after graduation. Recognized as the best institute for full stack developers in Hyderabad, we equip learners with the essential tools, including hands-on learning and real-world projects, to grow in the tech industry.
Online Training
- Basic to advance level
- Daily recorded videos
- Live Project Included
- Whatsapp Group Access
- 100% Placement assistance
- Interview Guidance
Video Course
- Basic to advance level
- Lifetime Video Access
- Doubt Clearing Session
- Course Materials
- Certification Dumps
- Interview Guidance
Corporate Training
- Basic to advance level
- Daily recorded Videos
- Flexible Batch Timings
- Doubt Clearing Session
- Live Project Included
- Whatsapp Group Access
Why choose us
Full Stack Developer Course in Hyderabad
We are proud to say that Brolly Academy offers you the best Java full stack Developer training in Hyderabad, the market, preparing you for a successful career in full-stack development. Here’s why our program stands out in Hyderabad:

Expert Instructors
Our courses are undertaken by the most experienced trainers with over a decade of hands-on full-stack development experience. Their industry insights and practical knowledge will ensure you get the best training available.

Hands-On Training
Experience is the key to mastering full-stack development. Our program offers intensive live, practical training sessions that foster interactive learning. You'll get to work on real-world projects and case studies, which will help build your confidence and competence in the field.

Comprehensive Curriculum
Our up-to-date syllabus is designed to align with the latest industry requirements, ensuring you are well-equipped with the skills employers are looking for. We cover foundational concepts and advanced technologies in full-stack development.

Placement Assistance
We offer one of the best placement assistance programs in Hyderabad. Our dedicated team supports you through every step of the job search process, including: Mock interviews, Career counseling, Resume preparation, Q&A sessions on your concerns

Certified Course
Upon completing the course successfully, you will receive a certificate of completion. The certification you achieve here is 100% valid with employers and gives you a better opportunity in full stack development jobs.

Career Launchpad
Extended placement assistance and practical training will help launch your career as a full-stack developer. Join Brolly Academy to start on the path to an exceptional tech career!
Market trend for Full stack Developer course
1. Salary Trends
Entry-Level: ₹4,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 per year.
Mid-Level: ₹6,00,000 to ₹12,00,000.
Senior-Level: Experienced developers can earn ₹12,00,000 to ₹20,00,000 or more, especially in metropolitan areas like Bangalore and Hyderabad.
2. Market Demand
Growth Rate: This is expected to grow for full stack developers by about 22% from 2020 to 2030, both within and outside the US.
The reasons are that the companies required web applications and services in growth.
With the help of remote working, Indian developers along with other countries can access more job markets in the world where companies can hire them in high-paying regions.
3. Skills Needed
Front Technologies:
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, along with frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.
Back-End Technologies: Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, and RESTful
4. Backend technology :
Databases: SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB).
DevOps and Cloud: Knowledge of CI/CD pipelines, Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud service- be it AWS or Azure
5. Geographic Insights :
Highest-paying region: North America. Also very competitive; Companies can pay more dollars for talented full-stack developers. Remunerations vary from very
High to very low: in Europe. A Good example of this variation is Germany. Chances are there that you would be drawing salary between 50k to 80k EUROs per year.
Besides India, other markets are in Singapore and the Philippines. Salaries in Singapore range from SGD 60,000 to SGD 100,000.
Certification for Full Stack developer training in Hyderabad at Brolly Academy
After completing the full stack developer training at Brolly Academy, you’ll earn a certificate that validates your expertise in full-stack development. This certification is more than just a piece of paper; it represents your ability to build and manage complex web applications, making you a strong candidate in the job market.
- Our full stack developer course in Hyderabad with certification online with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
- It demonstrates to potential employers that you have undergone rigorous training, understand core technologies, and can effectively contribute to development projects.
- This certification can significantly enhance your career prospects, opening doors to various roles in the tech industry.
- Job Opportunities : Use this certification to apply for various positions such as Full Stack Developer, Web Developer, Software Engineer, and so on in leading tech companies.
- Networking : This will help connect me to the global network of alumni and the profession-specific network, thereby bringing along potential opportunities for networking and cooperation.

popular full-stack developer certifications:
- Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate
- AWS Certified Developer – Associate
- Oracle Java Certification
- Certified Python Developer
- Google Associate Android Developer
- Certified Web Developer by W3Schools
- IBM Full Stack Developer Professional Certificate
- MERN Stack Certification by Coding Dojo
Skills developed
After post-completion of course
When the full stack developer course in Hyderabad has been completed, one expects a wide range of essential front and back-end development skills have been obtained. For illustration, here is a detailed breakdown of the kind of skills you would attain through such a course in respect of front-end, that is, back end: HTML and CSS Facility to develop well-structured and styled pages, JavaScript-Excellent JavaScript proficiency for interactive web application design, Responsive Design, to make applications that could function without any problems at varied devices and screen size.
- Database Management
- SQL and NoSQL databases such as MySQL and MongoDB for storing and retrieving data.
- RESTful APIs
- How to create and consume APIs to allow client-server communication.
- Authentication/Authorization
- How to do secure user authentication and access control.
- Development Tools:
- Version Control Systems: Good knowledge of Git for version control and collaboration.
- Development Environments
- Familiarity with tools like Visual Studio Code or integrated development environments (IDEs).
- Deployment Tools
- Experience with cloud services, for example, AWS, Heroku, in deploying applications.
- Soft Skills
Problem-Solving: Ability to debug and solve complicated coding issues.
Collaboration: Experience working in teams and agile methodologies.
Communication: Improved ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.
- Project Management
- Agile Methodologies: Understanding Scrum and Kanban practices to manage the project.
- Time Management: Skills to handle project timelines and deliverables.
- You will become an adaptive developer able to create and maintain a full-fledged web application, well prepared for your career in the tech field.
Tools covered Full stack developer in Hyderabad
Front-End Tools
HTML/CSS : The basic markup and styling languages in web development
JavaScript : This is the core language where client-side scripting will occur
React : A famous library for building user interfaces
Angular : A complete framework for building web applications
Vue.js : A progressive framework for building user interfaces
Back-End Tools
Node.js : The JavaScript runtime for developing applications on the server-side.
Express.js : A framework for web applications in Node.js, which simplifies developing an API.
Java: Known for its portability and robustness, Java is often used for building large-scale enterprise applications.
Python:, Valued for its simplicity and readability, Python is popular for rapid development.
Database Management Systems
MongoDB : NoSQL database for storing data in a flexible form.
MySQL : Relational database management system.
PostgreSQL : Advanced relational database with strong support for integrity of data.
Version Control
Git : Version control system for keeping track of changes in the code.
,GitHub/GitLab : Platforms for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories.
Package Managers
npm : Node package manager for managing libraries in JavaScript.
Yarn : A package manager for JavaScript projects.
Build Tools
Webpack : A module bundler for JavaScript applications.
Babel : A JavaScript compiler for converting ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards-compatible version.
Deployment Tools
Heroku : A cloud platform for deploying applications.
Docker : A containerization tool for creating and managing lightweight environments.
AWS/Azure : Cloud service providers for hosting and managing applications.
Testing Tools
Jest : A JavaScript testing framework.
Mocha/Chai : Testing frameworks for Node.js applications.
Postman : A tool with which you can test any API and manage your request to the API.
Team Collaboration Tools
Slack : A communication platform among team members.
Trello/Jira : Project management of tasks and progress.
Therefore, these tools give a fundamental base to become a fluent Full Stack Developer, permitting you to work effectively across each layer of web development.
Job opportunities

DevOps Engineer
Responsible for deploying the applications as well as running them Is involved in the automated deployment process and making an application reliable.

Provide expertise on technology solutions and implementation strategies. Help clients optimize their systems and processes.

Use your expertise to start your own tech startup or freelance projects. Create MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) for your ideas or for clients.

Freelance Developer
Work on a project-by-project basis with multiple clients. Flexibility in working hours and in choosing projects.

Systems Analyst
Analyse and improve IT systems in organizations. Work with stakeholders to understand their needs and make recommendations.
Pre - requisites
Full Stack Developer Course In Hyderabad
It is great to have some prerequisites at hand when joining a course in Full Stack Developer for you to stay with the course and reap the benefits offered. These are some courses recommended prerequisites
Familiarity with a programming language
Knowledge of concepts like in the languages JavaScript, Python, or Java.
Familiarity with Web technologies
HTML/CSS : Familiarity with basic HTML of content structure and CSS for styling
Javascript Basics: Variables, functions, and control structures
Computer Literacy
General Computer Skills: Familiarity with computers, software applications, and web browsing
Text Editor Familiarity: Familiarity with text editors or IDEs (Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text
Basic Database Concepts
Knowledge of concepts like tables, records, and basic SQL queries would be helpful.
Problem-Solving Skills
Analytical Thinking: Logical approach to problems and critical thinking in terms of solutions.
Willingness to Learn
Motivation and Commitment: Strong desire to learn new technologies along with evolution in that industry.
Optional (But Helpful) Prerequisites
Familiarity with Git: Basic understanding of version control can be helpful.
Experience with the Command Line: Basic skills in using the command line for navigating through directories and executing commands.
All these pre-requisites would help you meaningfully connect with the course material and set you up for an excellent career as a Full Stack Developer. If you do not have them all, you should take introductory courses to build your foundational skills first!
What is a Full Stack Developer?
What do Full Stack Developers use to work?
What are the career opportunities for Full Stack Developers?
What is the soft skill that must be possessed to be a Full Stack Developer?
Full Stack Developer Course Frequently Asked Questions at Brolly Academy
Pre-requisites for Full Stack Developer course
How long is the Full Stack Developer course?
What topics are covered?
Are there practical projects in the course?
Will Brolly Academy guide me on how to access career opportunities?
Will I get a certification when I complete the course?
Will there be an online attendance course?
What is the teaching methodology of Brolly Academy?
How do I get on to this course?
Is networking with industry people possible?
What companies hire from Brolly Academy
Tech Companies
Mature Tech Firms
Online Retailers
Fintech Firms
Health Tech Firms
Khan Academy
Media and Entertainment
Consulting Agencies